#3 - The Monkey Journal

Welcome to this new episode of the Monkey Journal!
First very good news: We are alive! We survived a very emotional weekend. During the Privates Magic Days, we were able to attend a crazy demonstration of Father Alex's technique, discover the madness of Woody Aragon, appreciate the generosity and creativity of Jordan Victoria and finally admire the excellence of Romaric! A multi-flavor cocktail that allowed us to last 3 days without much sleep. Note that all the beer barrels were finished, that no less than 45 cards were found abandoned and that Woody managed to get his plane back! Thanks again to all the participants for your presence! Hoping that you will use your great raffle gift...!

The Privates Magic Day also allowed us to officially launch The Jinx Experience! In fact, the first issues have been released and many of you have already given us your feedback! A big thank you for the support of the first subscribers. This magazine is exceptional: its author almost invented all the concepts that we know today. The content is good, even very good, and the editorials take us back to 1934. A beautiful journey through time that will delight all lovers of magic and mentalism. We take this opportunity to thank Julien and his video trailer that made us laugh! We officially award him the AWARD for worst editor 2022! Although... this video is not bad, anyway! And you, what did you think of it? Simple, effective, no fuss as they say!

Speaking of the cat (and not the wolf! [JOKE] In relation to the Jinx... to the logo... the black cat? Are you there? I'm leaving...), what did you think of our brand new layout? Florian is in charge of it and he thought about it for a long time to offer a pleasant and fluid reading, especially on screen. He kept the codes of the first magazine, in particular with the banner of the two black cats (do you understand the great joke, now?). In short, tell us what you think of this project!
Last little thing: we created a Facebook group so that all subscribers can share their finds! The link is available in the JINX member area.
We started listening to a new podcast about magic or rather mentalism. It is the mentalist Taha Mansour, whom we met in Arcachon at the inventions congress, at the beginning of June 2022, and David Coudyser who produce this podcast entitled: the art of the mentalist. They discuss the hidden aspects of mentalism, and how mentalism is found in art, in communication, in clairvoyance and in everyday life. This podcast is very pleasant to listen to. The sound is good (this already allows it to stand out from a good number of podcasts...) and the themes covered are interesting. If you don't know what to do with your evenings, go listen to this podcast (after reading your Jinx of course!).
Monday, October 3, 2022, we were filming the trailer for our new project which will be released in early November (or late October exclusively at the FFAP congress). The day was intense: filming began at 9am (let me tell you that after the PMD weekend, we weren't in great shape!), and filming ended at 7pm. The video is currently in post-production by the HMWK team and we can't wait to see the final result. The story takes place in a magnificent universe and the actors were great! Certainly the most beautiful and most difficult trailer we have made since the beginning of the adventure of the 3 monkeys! At the same time, for our biggest project, it had to be that! To be continued...

[PUB] While we're at it, the NEXT PROJECT is still available to take advantage of the 20% discount [end of ad].
It's high time for us to go and rest a little! Thank you for reading this newsletter to the end. Thank you to all the Jinx subscribers for their trust and support. Thank you to everyone who was present at the Private Magic Days!
Ps: Florian has finally recovered from his jet lag! But now he is trying to recover from PMD...

See you soon friends!
Team 3 Monkeys
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