Welcome to this new episode of Journal des Monkeys! And as tradition dictates: Happy New Year 2023 ! Here we are again for a new year and we have quite a few surprises in store for you! Before revealing some projects that will see the light of day in 2023, we offer you a small retrospective of the year 2022. 2022 in brief! The year 2022 has not been easy! It all starts in January! It's already a race and we need to send the Unlock manuscript to print as quickly as possible! The release is scheduled for February 8 and with four weeks of production , the margin is quite low... We'll let you...
Welcome to this new episode of Journal des Monkeys! The last of the year 2022 (we know you are sad!) Since the last publication of Journal des Monkeys, the boxes of La Fabrique de Jordan Victoria have finally been sent! And we would like to thank you for all the messages we have received! This box set is by far the biggest project we have embarked on. We learned how to design a box set with a top company (sorry we'll keep its name to ourselves!), we discovered that the texture of the book cover poses quite a problem for the design (Camille Cassaigne still dreams of it at night ... But don't worry, it will soon be more than...
Welcome to this new episode of Journal des Monkeys! It has now been two weeks since the curtain fell on the FFAP congress in Troyes. Between the installation on Thursday afternoon and the closing ceremony on Sunday, it's almost 4 days of hard work without much sleep (really not much...). Thank you to everyone who came to see us at the stand. We hope you enjoyed the demos from our two artists and the 3 monkeys! Besides, a big thank you to Geoffrey Cheminot who provided continuous demos without ever complaining. We might as well tell you that we have never seen so many jump cuts in such a short time in our entire lives. His book Turnover is still...
Welcome to this new episode of Journal des Monkeys! In a few days, we will be at the FFAP congress in Poitiers. And this year, we pulled out all the stops: an even more beautiful stand than last year, twice as many products and above all, the preview release of our new project. By the way, this project will see the light of day on November 4. So, get ready. We are therefore in full preparations for the congress. And we can say that it’s work! We have to think about everything: how to get to the conference with all the gear (Thomas would have found a truck, good news!), where to stay to be able to take advantage of...
Welcome to this new episode of Journal des Monkeys! First very good news: We are alive! We survived a very emotional weekend. During the Private Magic Days, we were able to witness a crazy technique demonstration from Father Alex, discover the madness of Woody Aragon, appreciate the generosity and creativity of Jordan Victoria and finally admire the excellence of Romaric! A multi-flavored cocktail that allowed us to last 3 days without sleeping much. Note that all the beer barrels have been finished, that no less than 45 cards were found abandoned and that Woody managed to get his plane back! Thank you again to all participants for your presence! Hoping that you will use your great raffle gift...! The Privates...