#4 - The Monkey Journal

Welcome to this new episode of the Monkey Journal!
In a few days, we will be at the FFAP congress in Poitiers. And this year, we have gone all out: an even more beautiful stand than last year's, twice as many products and, above all, the preview release of our new project. By the way, this project will be released on November 4th. So, get ready.
So we are in the middle of preparing for the congress. And we can say that it is a lot of work! We have to think of everything: how to get to the congress with all the gear (Thomas has apparently found a truck, good news!), where to stay to be able to enjoy the few hours of sleep that will be available to us (News Alert: Victor has apparently booked an Airbnb... phew!), how to design the stand so that it is functional and attractive (that's Florian's role!), what prices to set... In short, you guessed it: we can't stop! Between our trips to IKEA and Leroy Merlin, and our evenings of making our new project, we don't have a second to ourselves. We hope to be able to meet many of you at our stand! So if you are around, don't hesitate to come and see us! Especially since we won't be alone since two artists will be present with us on the stand...
A few weeks ago we launched the JINX! And many of you trusted us and subscribed. So, a big thank you! We hope you enjoy this adventure! Two issues have already been published and the 3rd is coming in a few days! We also created a Facebook group so that subscribers can share with each other! So, if you have ideas for presenting or improving the JINX tricks, don't hesitate to share with the community!

Small share: Rodolphe Lambert wrote a full article on GOLD by Guillaume Botta (which is still available in stores!) and we loved his return. If you are still hesitant to get Guillaume's work, maybe this article can help you. On that note, if you own our books and want to write a full review (whether negative or positive), we will be happy to share it in our newsletter (especially if it is positive! [JOKE]). So, don't hesitate to send us your journalistic drafts to: info@3monkeys-publishing.com .
Otherwise, in the meantime you can always read the article on GOLD by clicking on the image below:
Finally, let's talk a little about our latest project which will be released on November 4, 2022. It is by far our biggest project: 1 year and a half of work, 10 people mobilized and 50 boxes of merchandise received... all this for a world first! We searched hard and it turns out that there is no similar project currently on the magic market.To top it all off, this project allowed us to collaborate with a French magician of unparalleled kindness and humility! We'll see you on November 4 at 7 p.m. to discover this project. And for the most daring, come to the FFAP congress on Friday morning! We will come with limited stocks and the artist will be there, in the flesh, to share his project!

During the congress, we will try to share as much content as possible on social networks (photos, videos, lives, stories...). And maybe you will even be entitled to a VLOG video of the congress in the next issue of the Journal des Monkeys...
Ps: Florian has recovered from PMD. He is eager for the congress!

See you soon friends!
Team 3 Monkeys
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