#5 - The Monkey Diary

Welcome to this new episode of the Monkey Journal!
It has now been two weeks since the curtain fell on the FFAP congress in Troyes.
Between the installation on Thursday afternoon and the closing ceremony on Sunday, it's almost 4 days of hard work without much sleep (really not much...). Thanks to everyone who came to see us at the booth. We hope you enjoyed the demos of our two artists and the 3 monkeys!
By the way, a big thank you to Geoffrey Cheminot who provided continuous demos without ever complaining. Needless to say, we have never seen so many jump cuts in such a short time in our entire lives. His book Turnover is still available in stores [END OF ADVERTISING]. Rest assured, we haven't heard the last of Geoffrey... Thanks also to Jordan Victoria who played the game and wore his artisan splitter apron for the entire duration of the conference. Don't worry, the apron went straight to the washing machine when we got back!

The FFAP congress is above all an opportunity to meet our customers but also all our friends. We have put together a panel of the most beautiful photos of the congress (we will spare you the photos from Saturday night at 4am... believe us, it's for your own good!).

Thomas and Florian broke the piggy bank at the conference and brought back some nuggets! First of all, the Luc Apers conference pack. Only good stuff! With the conference notes, the book “Le Professionnel” published by CC EDITION and the famous gimmick to force any side of a dice, it is by far the best purchase of the conference! Besides, if Florian had not bought the pack, Thomas would never have given in to temptation. So a big thank you to Flo for thinking of Thomas' bank account! Let's get back to our sheep. If you don't know Luc's work, here is the video of his show that he generously put on YouTube!
Thomas also treated himself to buying Joao Miranda's latest gem: POV! A very practical gimmick that allows the spectator to take written information. Here, no printing system or anything else. It's simple, effective and direct! In short, it's validated by the whole team! And finally, we were able to discover the new book by Marchand De Trucs: DUVIVIER.A colorful book, sumptuous photos and good content! In short, if you like Dominique's magic, go for it! And you, what's the last magic nugget you bought? Tell us by email: info@3monkeys-publishing.com
Finally, this congress was the opportunity to present our brand new project: La Fabrique de Jordan Victoria. We have been talking about it for a few weeks, but this time it's done: our biggest project has seen the light of day! Composed of a book, a deck of trick cards and a toolbox, all in a magnificent box, Jordan invites you into the wonderful world of Gimmick manufacturing. No more spending €50 for a gimmick card. After reading this book, you will be able to build them by your own means and even develop your own ideas! Enough to make a great Christmas gift for all magic enthusiasts! So, isn't life wonderful?
Speaking of Christmas, the big date is coming up. And at the Monkeys, we love this time of year! Besides the fact that the performance calendar is full and that we have to juggle the agenda to fit in the last dates (you'll get there Flo...), this time of year is synonymous with gifts and sharing! For this occasion, we've thought about organizing a big advent calendar. We'll tell you more very soon, but we can already tell you that we're going to spoil you! So, stay connected because the information is coming very quickly!

Thank you for reading to the end and if you were at the conference, thank you again for coming to see us (if you weren't, too bad for you! You missed our meeting on Sunday morning and we can tell you that it was worth the detour!).
Ps: In reality, Thomas and Florian spent much more than that at the congress, but if we detailed the whole list, you would spend your evening reading this email... Thanks to Victor for not having bought anything (or almost), he allowed us to save a few lines in this newsletter!

See you soon friends!
Team 3 Monkeys
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