The life of a creative project

This newsletter is a bit special because it launches a new concept, a new idea. At a rate of 1 to 2 times per month ( unless we forget! ), you will receive a newsletter reporting the news of the life of the Monkeys in their country of Auvergne! Don't worry, we won't tell you about our meal plans or our movie outings ( unless they have something to do with magic of course) .
You will know everything about the life of the Monkeys, or the " insides " as sports journalists say so well. We will tell you about the progress of our projects and some of our crazy ideas. We will tell you about our latest performances, the latest gimmicks we bought and tested, the latest books we read... In short, you will know everything!
But don't worry, we won't spam you with endless emails! We know very well that receiving 15 emails a day advertising the latest revolutionary gimmick is quite annoying! In this newsletter, nothing to see. It will only contain news from the life of the Monkeys and nothing more! Besides, if you want us to address specific points in these emails ( our working methods, the way we produce our books, the way we select our projects... ), do not hesitate to share your ideas and desires with us by email:

As we write these words, it is the end of August 2022. Summer is coming to an end, but know that we have not been idle ( despite this titanic heat. I even have drops of sweat falling on my keyboard ). We've spent the last two months putting together the next two projects. The first one will be released at the end of September and will be completely new! We love magic books, but we wanted to diversify! That's why we've put together this brand new magical adventure! You'll find out more in the coming weeks unless a black cat brings us bad luck!
The second project is certainly the biggest project we have done since the beginning of the adventure of the three monkeys. We worked in collaboration with a French Artist of incredible kindness and creativity. This project will include not only a book but also additional accessories. Everything will be packaged in a magnificent box with a copper look. Suffice to say that in addition to the classic printing files for a book ( interior pages, photos, cover... ), we had to design a box and all the visual elements for the accessories. Fortunately, Camille Cassaigne helped us a lot in the creation of these elements. By the way, I sincerely think that this is the most beautiful book we have ever made! The photos are sumptuous (thank you Pauline), the layout is, as always, rather original, and the cover is luxurious! By the way, in a future newsletter, we will tell you more about our design team ( Camille, Pauline...) because they are working pretty well! While waiting for the next news on this project, see you at the end of October to find out!
To continue detailing our studious summer, and you have certainly noticed, we have set up a completely free loyalty program within our store: the BANANA PLAN The idea was simple: put ourselves in our customers' shoes to find out what benefits they would like to have. This is how the BANANA PLAN was born. Every time you spend €1 in our shop, 1 banana will be credited to you. I can see you coming: what can you do with bananas? A fruit salad of course! Joking aside, the more bananas you have, the more you can convert them into a voucher valid on the entire shop, even on pre-orders! So, isn't life wonderful?
Finally, we continued to program the PRIVATE MAGIC DAYS, our magical event which will take place on September 30/October 01-02, 2022 in Clermont-Ferrand. We can't wait to be there! Plus, it seems that the new world champion of card magic will be there! But shh, it's a secret...

That's it for this first Monkeys newsletter. Feel free to tell us by email if you like this concept or if it's better to abandon the idea (even if deep down, we love it!):
In short, we'll have to leave you: Florian has a plane to catch to Peru, Victor has to pack his bag to go camping and Thomas has to hit the road, heading for the south of France! A busy little schedule to end this summer in style!

See you soon friends!
Team 3 Monkeys
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