The Imaginary Whiteboard
Imagine a card simply thought by the spectator. Never announced out loud. It remains locked in his mind until the final revelation.
Then imagine a number announced by the spectator.
You take the deck in full view from the beginning. You count up to this number. The spectator announces for the first time the name of his card: it is indeed the thought card.
Finally, you reveal that the spectator can only think of this card. You turn the deck over to reveal a completely blank deck.
This whole description is true.
In Imaginary Whiteboard, Thomas reveals for the first time the ending of his lecture. The routine described above plays out exactly like this.
Thomas goes into detail about each phase, explaining a version with a pre-show, and an equally extraordinary version without a pre-show. You will have access to presentation details, the entire script as well as variations.
Thomas exploits a principle of mentalism that appeared a few years ago to which he added several subtleties and a routine construction that hides the stratagem even better. And the best for last: the routine is very simple to do!
36-page PDF in French.
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