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The Jinx (single issue)
The Jinx (single issue)
The Jinx (single issue)
The Jinx (single issue)

By Theodore Annemann

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In March 2022, Julien Losa set himself a challenge: to allow magicians to discover more comfortably the best magic and mind reading magazine of all time by Theodore Annemann ! And for the first time today, you will be able to discover it in French !

Retyped and corrected by Julien Losa then translated by the 3 Monkeys team, we offer you A journey through time unforgettable to discover one of the largest magazines magic/mentalism. With a better layout/design you will be able to discover where rediscover all the tours who made this magazine famous!

Current number (1 to 24): 15 pages on average - 5 effects

Summer Extra 1935: 48 pages - 20 effects

Winter Extra 1935-1936: 38 pages - 17 effects



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